© 2024 Suretree Systems

One stop shop for consumer financial services

We compare financial products from leading providers and show you all our best deals so you can make an informed decision.

The nairaCompare Solution

Efficiently connecting consumers with providers and their product offerings


Customer Experience

Optimised customer journey and interactions


Prompted by our marketing, customers visit our site.


Customers search product offerings based on their preferences.

Quote Comparison

Customers compare quotes and product offering information from different lenders before selecting preferred product offering.


Customers undergo online collection of customer KYC, appraisal, credit score check and fraud register check.


We forward the customers application to the relevant provider for approval, or the customer is redirected to the provider’s site to complete their application.


Customers return to us for more savings on other products or on renewals.

How we enable the
customer experience

Marketing and expert editorial content on products offerings.

Our recommendation capabilities enable us to offer best fit products.

Secure and flexible technology delivers the best quotes.

Free credit scoring with credit bureau and customer verification with various data platforms.

A single profile can be used to apply to multiple lenders.

We alert customers on which products they can save on and related products.

Product Catalogue

Upload product offering features and update based on customer insights.

Lead Generation

We segment and target leads with high probability to act.

Customer Onboarding

We onboard customers digitally to initiate a winning customer experience.


Fraud Register

Growing your loan portfolio without fear of fraud.

Approved Customer

Hassle-free and cost-effective acquisition of high- quality customers.

Product Insights

Use insights to improve your product offering so you can offer customers the right product at the right time and at the right price.

Customer Risk Assessment

We perform Level One risk assessment to improve approval rates and turnaround times.

Product Offerings Roadmap

Our Products
